
About Me

Friday, April 13, 2018

three people I would like to have dinner with

Hello today my overlord told me to blog about the three people that I would like to have dinner with . These people can be alive , dead , real , or fictional . Without any further interruptions my three people , 1 Percy Jackson , he is from my favorite book series plus we both have A.D.H.D.  , and bad grades in school . 2 Steven Hawking , pretty much the smartest person ever , and so he can share a little more of his knowledge before he dies again . 3 Terry Eugene Bollea A.K.A. Hulk Hogan , because he is my hero and the person I look up to , he is a pro wrestler that can beat up almost anyone even in his old-is age . so those are the three people that I would have to have a amazing dinner. ( the perfect one would be alone ) .
                    -see ya

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

how to prepare for a test

It's the day before a big test and you have not studied for it at all but the test is 99.999% of your grade so, let, us, get around it ! 
1. cheats, first i'm too lazy to give you a way to cheat so google it, but you can always use you eyes 
2. distraction, pull the fire alarm, or get your friend to (fake) pass out in front of the class then pull out the study guide and copy paste, my friend .
3. pretend that you are really sick or eat two bananas and quickly drink a sprite in the school bathroom ( this causes a chemical reaction in your stomach that makes you vomit ).
4. convince your parents that there is no school today .
5. make a time machine, get the answer sheet, go back , use the answer sheet on the test , burn the answer sheet, profit . 
6. don't pass, it may seem crazy but you might be able to create a major website/item/discovery without the knowledge of that test . Although the chances are small I believe in you 

you can use any of these , or just study for an hour or half . I don't care .

Sunday, February 25, 2018

WWII diary imitation


Today I found this little book in a crack in the wall , so I made this my diary . today storm troopers attacked all the Jewish shops and let everyone steal from them. I was really scared that they might go to my house and loot everything next, but luckily nothing happened to me.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

top 5 songs that connect to me

deja vu this one connects to my dreams where I can sometimes dream of the future .

ocean man   the best song ever ( it also inspired sponge bob ) this song is about a ocean man taking someone to sea and I like swimming

show goes on this is my feel good song

goodbye  this song is from my favorite video game fnaf

and last but not least monster my original song

Friday, January 5, 2018

one activity / haunted Santa

if i could do one activity more this year it would be to relax, i found myself  so stressed out last year and i think if i can get some relaxation in this year then i can less stressed. i have the biggest circles under my eyes , you get them from lack of sleep , i can't sleep when i have to much stress , so i have big circles under my eyes .

so my friend has a Santa doll and he did a one man hide and seek challenge with it , after that it started moving just slightly so we did a Ouija board challenge to see if it was haunted but we caught nothing , but yesterday i went to his house and we sandwiched it between two pipes in his laundry room and later when we looked Santa got himself out and was staring strait at us ( the door way where we were ) so we beat him up and pulled out his eyes ( my friend did that part ) i will keep you guys updated on that part


Sunday, December 17, 2017

movie review

hi guys today i'm doing a movie review on  Bardok ,the father of Goku . SPOILER ALERT

over all i think this is a great movie it ties up most of the loose ends in Gokus past it also shows how planet vegeta was destroyed by spoiler  ,, the only problem i found in this movie is that sometimes soundtracks abruptly cut off and another one plays apart from that i found no problems with the movie i also like how they put in a sequel ( that was kind of cliche ) . i got no other problems so i'm signing off , bye

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Ten Things I Want For The Holidays

heey guys I'm back , and just in time for the holidays so I thought of making a top 10 list of what i want for the holidays .( i want everything with a * next to it )

1. i want Mario kart 8 Nintendo switch edition***

2. dungeons and dragons starter set****

3. google pixel 2 phone

4. red beats

5. a giant Lego set *

6. Torege Polarized Sports Sunglasses For Cycling Running Fishing Golf TR003

7. hammock set **

9. money 

10. and more money